
Inspirational Founder of Cancer & Alzheimer’s Support Groups

Surviving Cancer

Pioneering Collaboration: A Powerful Influence in Social Media

Alzheimer's Caregivers

Strengthening Connections: A Dominant Force in Social Media

Self-Help Sites

Developer of Online Platforms Supporting Self-Improvement Journeys

University of Washington

Member of the UW Husky Donor Hall of Fame


Giving back is important to me.



"Success may be as simple as turning a negative into a positive."
- Unknown

Sometimes life can go terribly wrong. I got cancer not once but twice. So, what did I do? After getting cancer the second time, I decided I'd to turn this negative into a positive by starting a support group to help other people with cancer.

Now, this wasn't the first time I'd turned a negative into a positive. Many years ago, I cared for my mother who had Alzheimer's. As a tribute to my mom, I founded a support group to help Alzheimer's caregivers that would be following me down this path.

Connecting with people every day in my support groups is an amazing, inspiring, and humbling experience.  Seeing the courage that these people show when faced with some of the biggest challenges of their lives never gets old.

The numbers.

Support Groups
Surviving Cancer
Alzheimer's Caregivers
Daily Reach

Surviving Cancer

Pioneering Collaboration:  A Powerful Influence in Social Media

Alzheimer's Caregivers

Strengthening Connections: A Dominant Force in Social Media

Self-Help Sites

Developer of Online Platforms Supporting Self-Improvement Journeys

Surviving Cancer

Cancer is a life altering event.

Having the benefit of going through it twice, I decided to start a cancer support group. This community offers me the opportunity to help others in their journey with cancer.

It's a place where everyone truly understands the fleeting nature of life ... and what it means to have a second chance.

Alzheimer's Caregivers

Nobody is ever fully prepared to care for a loved one with Alzheimer's.

I've found that connecting with other people who are walking down this same path can make a big difference.

My support group is one of the largest and fastest growing on social media with over 23,000 members.

Self-Help Sites

'Discover Your Solutions' is a free self-help website I created with 100+ tools that people can use to solve their problems.  This website has had over 100,000 users.  Many of it's tools have been ranked in Google's Top 10 search results.

More recently, I've been building a web app on Zoho called 'AchieveX'.  This self-help site has been designed to use AI and robotic process automation to assist people on their self-improvement journeys.

University of Washington

The University of Washington is an important part of my life.  I'm a member of the UW Husky Donor Hall of Fame.
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